
Hi! I’m a Mathematics and Physics student at the University of Manchester, focusing on Probability and Statistics and Theoretical Quantum Mechanics. I’m also an undergraduate research assistant at the University of Oxford, advised by Mihai Cucuringu and Yutong Lu, working on short-lived correlation detection in US equities using machine learning methods.

In the past, I have worked with Susan Murphy and Shuangning Li of Harvard University on Dyadic RL, a Bayesian and hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm for mobile health trials; and with Robert Gaunt of the University of Manchester on a survey of the theoretical properties of the generalized hyperbolic distribution.

In industry, I’ve interned at Mako, working in quantitative finance, and at Marlex, working in machine learning engineering. I volunteer as a data scientist at Fundació Girona Est. I’m from Barcelona, where I graduated from the Spanish Baccalaureate in 2020.